Thursday, December 9, 2010

Melted Snowmen Cookies

I have seen a few different versions of these around the net, and I had to make some for myself.  I started out with sugar cookie mix and just made balls and flattened them.  Then, I added a layer of icing to the cookies and put it in the fridge to cool.  Next, I used a piping bag to add a ball of icing for the head and put them back in the fridge to cool.  Once the icing was cooled enough, I used colored gel to add the eyes, mouth, buttons, arms, nose and scarf.  I think they turned out so cute!! They also taste really good too!


  1. These are so cute thanks for sharing

  2. These are so cute and they look tasty. What a wonderful idea.

  3. omg..never saw those.. too cute.. and yummy lookin!

  4. These are absolutely adorable!!! You are amazing!!

  5. YUMMY YUMMY ... for my tummy, I think there some missing!!!So cute!TFS
