Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weather Disaster in Alabama: Away for awhile

I am sure most of you know we had some major weather and tornados in Alabama yesterday.  We are completely without power and not expected to get it back until possibly Tuesday.  My  home and my family's home is okay and did not get damaged, but there is a lot of damage and many people around here who lost everything. 

We have relocated to my grandparent's house in Tennessee and will be here until the power comes back.  I have no crafting supplies and limited internet, so will probably not be around for the rest of the week and into next week much.

Keep Northern Alabama in your prayers and I will be back when I am able.


  1. :( Im sorry! But I'm VERY glad you & your family are safe and have a home to go back to! Those storms were SCARY!

  2. Oh Jean, I am so sorry! So thankful you and your family is ok. After all the damage I witnessed in Fayetteville a week and a half ago I can imagine the people of Alabama really need our prayers.


  3. Oh Jean! I'm praying for all of those affected. I am so glad you and your family are ok.

  4. Thank goodness you guys are all ok, preying for every one affected!

  5. Jean, I am so very sorry! If you need me, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!


  6. Prayers for you and your family Jenn!!


  7. So glad you and yours are safe, Jean! We have extended family in the Huntsville area and they too made through unscathed. Keeping you all in my prayers.

    ~ Jen

  8. We're praying for you and your family from NY...

  9. I'm glad that you are okay. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.


  10. Prayers being sent to you and all those affected from the storm. So glad your safe.

  11. Jean,
    I am so sorry, but I am very happy to hear that you and your loved ones are safe and ok!
    Prayers are being sent your way
    Many hugs sweetie

  12. So glad to hear you are safe, take care and will say a prayer for all your friends and family.

  13. Sorry to hear about all the damage but happy that you and your family are all safe. Special prayers going out to all those in need.

  14. Sending prayers and hugs your way Jean! I've been watching the news reports. I'm so glad to hear that you guys are o.k. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Wishing you guys continued safety and blessings. :)

  15. So glad to hear you and your family are good and no damages. Prayers to those who have lost. Let us know when you're back.

  16. Many prayers for your entire family, and everyone that lives nearby!!

  17. Stay safe Jean! My prayers are with you and your family and all those in need!

  18. Jean, this is just awful. Alabama is in our prayers. Stay safe and god speed!!


  19. I hate to hear this. I will pray for all. If you need anything let me know and I will try to help the best I can. I am so glad you are okay and your home is in tack. hugs friend and will be praying for you and family and others that were in the terrible storm.
